Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life is delicious. should be. I've been looking for a creative outlet in my life and have tried many things. Writing, painting, journaling, blogging, making jewelry....etc...etc... Finally, it hit me...baking/cooking! I love it and I've always done it. I've never thought of it as creative or artistic...but hello! Food is absolutely beautiful. And amazing. It has every right to be photographed and admired. marks the beginning of my new baby. Food blogging. I'll begin documenting everything from the food I eat to the food I make AND eat (along with the recipes) and just all the enchanting edible delights that I run into everyday. :) I know there are probably a half-million blogs out there, but this is ALL mine and I get to post and eat WHATEVER I want! I'm excited! :)


  1. This is awesome, mow make me some cookies! xoxo your Pistol :)

  2. I have two followers! Yay! lol. :P

    I will make you cookies, but I can't send you any until it gets cold again. Only because they'll melt within two seconds of landing in Vegas. :P
